This school will rollout well-designed, innovative, and useful courses. All Courses will be self-taught and self-paced with proper guidance. Mostly, the courses will have short duration and they will be relevant to daily life. The digital education revolution has started and we will be part of it. we will always charge nominal fees. The courses will be informative, educative and entertaining. In a nutshell: The Courses will be exciting, useful, short, and low cost. The KVN academy will be th torch bearer in digital education.

Look at the figure. Just zoom into it. you will See self-repeating pattern endlessly. If you identify that one elementary pattern, you can make this complicated, colorful eye candy with a few lines of code swiftly. Our course content will help you to find that elementary Component in a problem. Then the problem can be Solved easily. welcome to our course.


  1. learn coding
  2. learn python
  3. write powerful programs
  4. use artificial intelligence
  5. build expert system
  6. also have fun and excitement